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Five Ways to Get Rid of Excess Fat the Easy Way

| 22 January 2015
Losing weight for most people has become an endless struggle. You might not shed 10 pounds overnight, but it is possible to lose weight even with just a little effort and patience. Here are five ways that you can get rid of surplus fat easily.

First, cut down intake on foods rich in carbohydrate. Carbohydrate is essential in our bodies, but too much will turn it into love handles and a bulging belly. Watch your intake of pasta, bread and rice or anything that might have high starch content. Second, substitute those fat inducing foods with veggies. Eating at least four servings of greens will help you cut down your weight in no time. Third, instead of carbs, load up on protein. By 6 pm, your body will have processed most of the protein it has in storage. Protein is a great muscle builder so eat chicken and beef in your meals. 

Fourth, not all fat is bad for you, so dig into food that contains natural fat. Some examples of food with good fats include nuts and avocado. These only turn into unwanted fat when it is mixed with carbohydrates. Don’t forget to enjoy swimming in the beach or in the resort such as Watercamp Resort in Cavite. After all, a swimming party is another enjoyable activity to lose weight. Finally, avoid processed food as much as possible. Prepare your own meals and don’t be tempted to buy those pre-packed lunches or meals.

Following these tips can help you generate that body you’ve always been hoping for. Of course, it would be perfect if you couple it with exercise and determination, to guarantee that you will get that healthy and perfect body in no time.



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